Friday, October 7, 2011

An Unfortunate Fact and a Sad Day

I like to write. It's the only thing I've ever been able to do without much effort, and with no formal training, and I really enjoy it. Most of all, I like to write humor (satire, parody, farces, etc.). Those few souls who actually read my satire believe, as I do, that it is world class original humor and can compete among those who are well known in the field.

But I have an insurmountable problem: I am disabled with agoraphobia, which is the fear of crowds, loud noises and social situations, along with panic and anxiety, and the only way to sell humor is to be known as a humorist, which I never will be due to my disabilities. I can't do stand-up, I can't put on shows, hell, I can barely leave my house most days. So while I find writing humor to be fun and relaxing, it will never pay the bills and at this stage in my life I have to concentrate on paying the bills.

Thankfully for me, I'm more than a one-trick pony. While writing original humor is what I want to do and am very good at doing, most people will say that my non-fiction writing is better. Personally, I don't like writing non-fiction. It's very hard work, and it's incredibly tedious to fact check every single point; and it has taken me several days to fact check just one item I know to be true, and without corroboration I can't write it. I'm not going to be like Fox News or the right-wing blogs that just make shit up and report it as true — my non-fiction writing is backed by verifiable fact and evidence, period. 

Which brings me to another very interesting issue: I have a non-fiction project that took more than six years to research and about 22 months to write, but I am not allowed to publish that work until I move to a state that recognizes my First Amendment rights. Yes, you read that correctly. Where I presently live, I am prohibited by United States law from publishing a true story about myself, because it involves a whistle-blowing issue and a major US corporation. At present, the laws protecting that corporation's illegal acts are stronger than the laws guaranteeing my right to freedom of speech and expression. 

I'm not making that up to be theatrical or melodramatic; it's the truth. 

What is also the truth is that no matter what I do, my satirical writing will not sell, simply because I will never possess the right name under which to write humor. If I were a well known comedian, all my books would be on the bestseller lists. Not because the writing is the greatest ever, but simply because when a reader purchases the book, he or she will know it is going to be funny. After four months of trying to sell my eBooks, it seems most people won't even take a chance on a $0.99 eBook of humor written by an unknown. The one book of parody I wrote under a pseudonym 11 years ago, outsells my current political satire writing by a ratio of 15:1, and the pseudonym book doesn't sell very well.

So the publication of "The Right Has Never Been So Wrong, Part 2," due out later this month, will be my last attempt at writing humor and trying to sell it under my own name. I would happily ghostwrite humor/satire/parody for someone who is well known, but I know that's never going to happen so there's no point wishing for it. The non-fiction book I will be publishing when I am allowed to leave my present state and move to a state that recognizes my First Amendment rights is what I will always be known for. While I am not allowed to publicly speak of it subject matter, I have privately spoken of it to around fifty people and the universal reaction is "I can't wait to read that book!" When I tell those same people that I also write humor and it's available right now, the universal reaction is, "I can't wait to read the other book!"

I feel sad that no one wants to read my original and world class humor, but if my non-fiction is what sells then so be it.

The Right Has Never Been So Wrong, Part 1 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

For Aspiring Authors, The Best Blog Post Ever

It's the best blog post ever, and it's not even my blog post!

It's from Joe Konrath (JA Konrath as he is known on

I took John Locke's advice on how to become a successful eBook author and Locke's advice set me back about two months. Maybe more. In a nutshell, John Locke's advice is Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter Twitter. But what worked for Locke has no chance of working for anyone else and Locke knows this, but he's trying to make more money by selling something that's worthless for $5. Locke sold more than a million eBooks in 5 months by peddling his writing on Twitter and using hashtags to do it. Maybe Locke was the first to use hashtags properly -- I don't really know -- but now every Twitter post has hashtags and links and no one is selling anything. You could post a link in which you were giving money away and no one would visit it. Locke's advice is worse than worthless -- it's damaging. Follow his advice and prepare for disappointment.

If one wishes to know how to succeed as a writer, read Konrath's blog post. Live it, breathe it, experience it, and never stop writing:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Rick Perry's Latest Commercial

I hate to give a Republican credit, but I have to give credit where credit is due.

GOP presidential contender Rick Perry produced a great ad, which is on YouTube:

There's really just one small problem with the way this ad was produced, and you don't have to watch it all the way to see what I saw. Maybe it's just me, but when I look at the Perry for President logo, I see a nuclear explosion (without the mushroom cloud):

That looks like an nuke exploding on the horizon.

Rick Perry is solidly Tea Party, and those whackos honestly believe that when Armageddon happens, they will be raptured up to Heaven while the rest of us will be left to experience hell on Earth. This is one reason why the Republican philosophy is to incite unrest in the Middle East, because it has been prophesied in the Bible that Armageddon will occur in the Mideast.

I think Obama is unfit to lead a parade much less America, but do we really want the Tea Party in charge?

I Love the Smell of Fascism in the Morning, just $0.99.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It Really is a Bizarro World

I noticed something back in 2004, when I attempted to publish my second satire book, which focused on political humor: Liberals do not support other liberals.

Watch any liberal TV program, which is pretty much limited to MSNBC these days, or listen to any liberal radio program, none of which I can name off the top of my head. There are plenty of liberal channels on YouTube, and liberal blogs aplenty. What is the reaction of those places and sites when contacted by a new and upcoming liberal author? Silence. I offer to send my books to them for free, just to see if they like the writing, and by and large there is no interest.

The message really couldn't be any clearer to an author attempting to write liberal and fact-based humor: We don't care about you, and we're not going to lift a finger to help you spread your message.

The liberal media have circled their collective wagons against the 24/7 assault by the conservative media establishment, yet when a new liberal wishes to join the fight against disinformation, he or she is told that he or she does not matter and we're on our own.

As much as I dislike the conservative media establishment, I do admire one thing about them: They stick together. Whether it's someone who creates a video and posts it to YouTube, creates a new website bashing Obama and his administration, writes a book slamming liberals, or maybe broadcasts a pirate radio station, conservatives rally around that individual to make certain he or she receives as much exposure as possible. While conservatives may throw someone into the deep end to sink or swim, liberals won't even allow someone in the pool for a chance to compete.

Sticking together is an admirable trait. And that's how conservatives have been able to all but assume control of the American media, while liberals huddle in a corner trying to figure out what happened to their media dominance.

I am an equal opportunity humorist. I do not care who I offend when I write, because humor is going to offend some person or some class of people. It's the nature of the beast. And while I love writing humor that ridicules conservatives, the Tea Party and others who are biased, intolerant and racist, I can just as easily switch sides and ridicule liberals, Democrats and Independents.

I'll give the liberal base about six months to support a new writer and at least take a look at what I have to say, but if they continue to betray their base of support with total indifference, get ready to read about Obama's Treehouse in Kenya, where he was born, and his early days of swinging through the trees with all the other monkeys. Unfortunately, that type of racist hatred does have a base of support, and if that's the base I have to write to in order to keep a roof over my head and food on the table, so be it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Warren Buffett — The Ogre of Omaha

So much for being the Oracle of Omaha, as Buffett is more commonly known.

After reading the link, you'll see Buffett made $357M in one day (paper profits) with his investment in Bank of America.

According to the media, this kind of money made in one day is okay because Buffett is altruistic: He wants higher taxes on himself because his secretary is in a higher tax bracket than him, he "gave" $37 billion to the Gates Foundation, and on and on.

What the media won't tell you is:

1. Warren Buffett practically is the media — he's on the Board of Directors of the Washington Post, along with Melinda Gates, and both wield enormous influence in what news is reported and how it is reported;

2. JP Morgan is rumored to be buying Bank of America. That news privately broke (meaning it did not make the AP wire) less than 60 hours after Buffett made his $5 billion investment in BOA. Buffett bought preferred shares; if JPM buys BOA, common shareholders will be left with nothing, whereas preferred shareholders will be paid in full, with equity in JPM. BOA also pays Buffett $300M a year for 10 years for investing in BOA. Clearly, Buffett knew about the proposed buyout ahead of time, which is why he "invested" $5 billion — he knew it was a sure thing, a risk-free investment, and BOA sweetened the deal to get Buffett's $5 billion so JPM would buy BOA out;

3. Buffett sits on the Board for the Gates Foundation, and the $37 billion he "gave" to Gates in 2007 was so that 95% of that money would be invested and upon which no taxes would be paid on the profits. That's how foundations from billionaires work — their "charitable" foundations are actually their private investment firms;

4. Buffett's calls for the super rich to be taxed more are because he knows that the super rich, like him, will never be taxed more. It's a public relations ploy, and the media, part of which he controls, is eating it up. Millionaires may face higher taxes soon enough, but billionaires write the laws that protect their money forever.

This is why I try not to watch TV — this kind of disinformation is gobbled up by ignorant Americans, and those who get all their news from the TV are the most ignorant of all because they believe the shit that's reported is fact when it's just fiction.

I believe that using insider information is illegal, but billionaires are the elite in the United States, same as the aristocrats of yesteryear. Buffett will never be held accountable for his illegal actions, because he's rich and more powerful than any of us can imagine. For those types of people in America, they are untouchable — our laws, Congressional resolutions, and Supreme Court decisions do not apply to them.

Just ask Bill Gates what the US Federal Court decision in 2000 against Microsoft to break the company into two sections meant to Microsoft: Nothing. Nothing happened, because nothing ever does to this country's coddling of billionaires.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

VP Joe Biden Visits Japan; Is Irradiated

Vice President Joe Biden visited Japan and the contrast between his arrival and departure was striking. Strange that only I was the one who noticed a change in his appearance. I guess radiation really is bad for one's health.



Political satire for those who can think for themselves: