Friday, September 23, 2011

Rick Perry's Latest Commercial

I hate to give a Republican credit, but I have to give credit where credit is due.

GOP presidential contender Rick Perry produced a great ad, which is on YouTube:

There's really just one small problem with the way this ad was produced, and you don't have to watch it all the way to see what I saw. Maybe it's just me, but when I look at the Perry for President logo, I see a nuclear explosion (without the mushroom cloud):

That looks like an nuke exploding on the horizon.

Rick Perry is solidly Tea Party, and those whackos honestly believe that when Armageddon happens, they will be raptured up to Heaven while the rest of us will be left to experience hell on Earth. This is one reason why the Republican philosophy is to incite unrest in the Middle East, because it has been prophesied in the Bible that Armageddon will occur in the Mideast.

I think Obama is unfit to lead a parade much less America, but do we really want the Tea Party in charge?

I Love the Smell of Fascism in the Morning, just $0.99.

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