Tuesday, September 20, 2011

It Really is a Bizarro World


I noticed something back in 2004, when I attempted to publish my second satire book, which focused on political humor: Liberals do not support other liberals.

Watch any liberal TV program, which is pretty much limited to MSNBC these days, or listen to any liberal radio program, none of which I can name off the top of my head. There are plenty of liberal channels on YouTube, and liberal blogs aplenty. What is the reaction of those places and sites when contacted by a new and upcoming liberal author? Silence. I offer to send my books to them for free, just to see if they like the writing, and by and large there is no interest.

The message really couldn't be any clearer to an author attempting to write liberal and fact-based humor: We don't care about you, and we're not going to lift a finger to help you spread your message.

The liberal media have circled their collective wagons against the 24/7 assault by the conservative media establishment, yet when a new liberal wishes to join the fight against disinformation, he or she is told that he or she does not matter and we're on our own.

As much as I dislike the conservative media establishment, I do admire one thing about them: They stick together. Whether it's someone who creates a video and posts it to YouTube, creates a new website bashing Obama and his administration, writes a book slamming liberals, or maybe broadcasts a pirate radio station, conservatives rally around that individual to make certain he or she receives as much exposure as possible. While conservatives may throw someone into the deep end to sink or swim, liberals won't even allow someone in the pool for a chance to compete.

Sticking together is an admirable trait. And that's how conservatives have been able to all but assume control of the American media, while liberals huddle in a corner trying to figure out what happened to their media dominance.

I am an equal opportunity humorist. I do not care who I offend when I write, because humor is going to offend some person or some class of people. It's the nature of the beast. And while I love writing humor that ridicules conservatives, the Tea Party and others who are biased, intolerant and racist, I can just as easily switch sides and ridicule liberals, Democrats and Independents.

I'll give the liberal base about six months to support a new writer and at least take a look at what I have to say, but if they continue to betray their base of support with total indifference, get ready to read about Obama's Treehouse in Kenya, where he was born, and his early days of swinging through the trees with all the other monkeys. Unfortunately, that type of racist hatred does have a base of support, and if that's the base I have to write to in order to keep a roof over my head and food on the table, so be it.

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