Monday, July 25, 2011

Tea Party Motives: A Return to Plutocracy

I'll be completely honest — considering the corruption of both major political parties, the idea of a third party returning to Constitutional values sounds like a pretty good idea.

The Tea Party claims it wishes to do that: To return America to what our Founding Fathers envisioned with a strict adherence to an original interpretation of the United States Constitution.

But if one looks closely, one will see the Tea Party's true motives: A return to a plutocracy, which is defined as a society where the super rich are in control and dictate policy to those who are in the middle and lower classes.

Sound familiar? It should. In states like Wisconsin, Ohio, Maine, Florida, New Jersey and others where Tea Party governors currently sit, unions, working families and the middle class are waking up to find their rights have been stripped away. The wealthiest among us have been given enormous tax breaks, while the working class must surrender its pensions to pay for them.

Those funding the Tea Party are the same who founded it: Billionaires like the Koch Brothers, who desire to pay no personal income or business taxes, who wish to remove employment protections for the average worker, and who hope to destroy unions by portraying them as socialist.

Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, and Roger Ailes, who runs Fox News, have provided the Tea Party a round-the-clock platform to spread its disinformation to the public. Since the midterm elections of 2010, Fox News has been broadcasting that if millionaires and billionaires have to pay their fair share of taxes, America’s economy will collapse. Tea Partiers in Congress are willing to allow our country to default on its debt so billionaires don’t have to pay a dime more in taxes.

The Tea Party is not about returning us to the ways of our Constitution — it is an all-out effort to hijack democracy and remove basic, fundamental rights for the vast majority of Americans, to turn average citizens into slaves for the rich and powerful who believe they own this country for the simple reason that they possess more money than the rest of us.

If one were to look at history, one would discover why America was founded in the first place: Our ancestors escaped the plutocracy in England to establish a new country where its citizens have equal rights.

The Tea Party wants to take away the rights of all but the wealthiest, and that’s exactly what they’re doing in Tea Party-controlled states.

We can save ourselves if we wish, because each American still has the right to vote. For the 50% of Americans who do not vote because they believe it does not count, I implore them to vote in the next election and every election thereafter, to keep those who wish to enslave us from doing so.

If any Tea Party member reads this and has something useful to add, please feel free to do so. But hate, profanity and threats are not appropriate responses.

Intolerant conservatives and the Tea Party are given the figurative beating of their lives in Taking Conservatives Behind the Woodshed: The Right Has Never Been So Wrong, now on Amazon, or on Barnes & Noble for its Nook device.

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